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Spybrary Spy Podcast

Apr 17, 2018

What are your favorite Spy Books? Spybrary is holding a vote for the Spybrary Shelf of Fame, choose from over 100 spy books suggested by our listeners

Spybrary needs you to vote for your favorite Spy novels. What Spy Books would make your shelf of fame?

Spybrarian in Chief – Jeff Quest of SpyWrite canvassed Spybrary listeners for their 5 favorite spy books. He has channeled his inner ‘Connie Sachs’ to index the hundreds of spy book suggestions and categorize them as follows:


– Pre-Cold War set novels
– Cold War set novels
– Post-Cold War novels.

The top Pre-Cold War spy book, top five Cold War spy books, and top spy Post-ColdWar book will be inducted into the Spybrary Shelf of Fame.