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Spybrary Spy Podcast

Mar 31, 2019

On this episode of Spybrary, Matthew Kresal talks to Matt Sherman about the upcoming Bond fans trip and tour to Las Vegas. Bond fans will gather under the stewardship of Matt Sherman to celebrate the 007 movie Diamonds are Forever.

Mar 25, 2019

David Craggs joins Mike Ripley at the Harper Collins offices in London to find out more about the paperback version of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and why those of us who have the hardback should buy it.

Mar 24, 2019

Three works have recently come to the fore in the SIGINT tableau that achieve the elusive goal of harnessing the technical aspects for a slick storyline.

Spy novelist Payne Harrison submits a brush pass review to the Spybrary Podcast and we get 3 for the price of 1!