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Spybrary Spy Podcast

May 25, 2017

Roger Moore Remembered 'For Your Ears Only' -Special Episode

Sir Roger Moore, actor, UNICEF Ambassador, author and father passed away this week.
This is the episode of Spybrary we never wanted to record. Spybrary host Shane Whaley and author Jeffrey Westhoff, two guys from opposite sides of the Atlantic who ruined many a school photo with their 'Roger Moore' eyebrow impressions fondly talk about why they are massive fans of Sir Roger Moore's work. (That lucky Jeffrey even got to interview Sir Roger Moore once and got paid for it.)

In this Roger Moore special we talk about why we feel Moore was the best Bond, read through some of the tributes from Sir Roger's peers and highlight some of the excellent Roger Moore stories that are being shared as well as insights from other Roger Moore fans.